„Mysteries of Reality“ is a new book by Gale Kimball featuring an interview with me on the topic of scientific research on parapsychology. Why data on telepathy and other parapsychological phenomena is important for the advancement of science. This is a short trailer on the book trilogy.
From John Hunt Publisher: Mysteries of Reality by Gayle Kimball is now at our warehouses in the USA and UK, from where it will be distributed to wholesalers and retailers…
(9) Inner and Outer Experience - Zen and Science Or: Why Zen and science get along very well and why more scientists (and other people) should meditate. I just got back from a Zen sesshin. That is a week of meditation in which there is silence and between 7 and 8 hours of meditation per day; in this case…
(5) On the Relationship between Empiricism And Theory Part 1 Or: Can we be converted by data? In the last chapter, "EBM in action," we saw that: The current guidelines of the American Society of Anesthesiology recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for the treatment of chronic back pain, as a simple analgesic among other drugs. This recommendation is based on…
(2) Hierarchy Or A Circle of Evidence? I had previously suggested that you should seek out a few concrete examples of how scientific data and information are used in medicine. In the upcoming blog we'll clarify many of the concepts. If you have already done your homework you are ahead of the game, because you will be…