Ich stelle bei Vorträgen gerne eine Frage, die auch die meisten Ärztinnen und Ärzte nicht auf Anhieb richtig beantworten: «Was ist diejenige medizinische Intervention, die am meisten Leben gerettet hat?» Meistens sagen die Leute: «Antibiotika» oder «Impfungen». Falsch! Richtig ist … Hier die Kolumne bei Karger weiterlesen
- Mistletoe Therapy And Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Our new meta analysis is published Mistletoe therapy is popular among patients in German-speaking countries as an adjunct treatment for cancer. This is due to the fact that Ita Wegmann, an associate of Rudolf Steiner, had introduced mistletoe into medical cancer therapy at his suggestion. Steiner used, besides the knowledge…
- (21) Circle Instead of Hierarchy in a Bayesian Analysis How the Circular Model Works in Concrete Terms and Why It Is Superior to the Hierarchical One – The Example of the Ketogenic Diet Just now a new publication of ours appeared in an online journal, in which we demonstrated how to implement the circular model of cognition in concrete…
- (16) What Does “Scientifically Proven” Mean? – The… Or: Why We Believe That Social Role Models Influence Mood ("Social Priming") But Not That Homeopathy Or Telepathy Works When we say something is "scientifically proven", we usually mean that a series of conditions have been met, at least the following: A phenomenon must be documented using methods that meet…