Der Irrsinn, dass Bewusstsein + Materialismus alles sei! (50 Minuten) Ausstrahlungsdatum: Sa, 20.06.2020 + 27.06.2020; 23:00 Uhr
Universitätsprofessor: wer bin ich aus Sicht der Philosophie und Psychologie (21 Minuten) Ausstrahlungsdatum: So, 28.06.2020 + 05.07.2020; 22:30 Uhr
Homöopathie aus Sicht eines Psychologen (27 Minuten) Ausstrahlungsdatum: Sa, 04.07.2020 + 11.07.2020; 23:00 Uhr
Omega 3: Intelligenz versus Demenz (24 Minuten) Ausstrahlungsdatum: Sa, 18.07.2020 + 25.07.2020; 20:00 Uhr
5G Netz: gewollt oder aufgezwungen? (24 Minuten) Ausstrahlungsdatum: Sa, 01.08.2020 + 08.08.2020; 20:00 Uhr
Meditation: die verpönte Heilmethode? (26 Minuten) Ausstrahlungsdatum: Sa, 15.08.2020 + 22.08.2020; 20:00 Uhr
Wenn Universitäten an Ihre Grenzen kommen (26 Minuten) Ausstrahlungsdatum: Sa, 29.08.2020 + 05.09.2020; 20:00 Uhr
Mistletoe Therapy And Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Our new meta analysis is published Mistletoe therapy is popular among patients in German-speaking countries as an adjunct treatment for cancer. This is due to the fact that Ita Wegmann, an associate of Rudolf Steiner, had introduced mistletoe into medical cancer therapy at his suggestion. Steiner used, besides the knowledge…
Pitfalls of Meta-Analyses A brief methodological commentary on the retraction of our homeopathy ADHD meta-analysis We had rejoiced too soon. Last summer, I reported that we were able to publish a meta-analysis on homeopathy in ADHD, which showed a significant effect size of g = 0.6 [1]. It was recently retracted by the…
(22) Epidemiology and Infectiology – Pitfalls of… When I first read about the Corona crisis in the newspaper in early January 2020, it said, "Already 34 people have died from the new disease". "And now?" thought I. Is that a lot or not? 34 out of a total of 40 on one boat? That would be a…