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Privacy Policy In this privacy statement in accordance with 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation), we inform you about the processing of personal data in our online offer and in relation to the personal data that you provide to us when contacting us. Definitions of terms can be found in Art. 4 of…
In Praise of Death Harald Walach - In Praise of Death - A Critique of the Transhumanist Programme of the Abolition of Death, 15th December 2023 from Scientific and Medical Network on Vimeo. These are the slides: In-Praise-of-Death-SlidesDownload
COVID-19 Vaccines and Boosters Were Never Made With mRNA The truth behind RNA-based vaccine technology (Part 1) From time to time, I publish contributions from other scientists and authors who seem to me to be appropriate to topics that are of current concern to me and on which I myself can provide less competent information. Prof. Klaus Steger is…