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- The EKD Smashes The "Corona Round Table" to Pieces … ... before it even stands - a few thoughts on the most recent example of censorship In mid-August, I reviewed the book "Angst, Politik, Zivilcourage", edited by T.A. Seidel and S. Kleinschmidt in the Evangelische Verlagsanstalt review [1]. The review was originally published in the online newspaper "Achse des Guten".…
- A middle way in difficult times Sailing between the Scylla of gullibility and the Charybdis of conspiracy theories in the Corona crisis Thoughts on Mattias Desmet's new book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism (London: Chelsea Green, 2022, 231 pages, €32.50, hardcover) In the corona crisis, one sees two main camps: those who largely believe the mainstream narrative…
- Thinking, Political Correctness, and Thinking about Thinking The indigenous people of the prairies of North America originally fed on big game and buffalo. They hunted on foot before the horse was introduced to America by the Spanish in the 1500s [1, 2]. They took advantage of a characteristic of the buffalo: Buffaloes are herd animals. They follow…