Es gibt zwei Möglichkeiten, dieses Ergebnis zu interpretieren: Entweder diese Homöopathen haben ein Spezialrezept, um bei normalen Depressionspatienten einen Superplacebo-Effekt auszulösen. Oder aber es ist eben an der Homöopathie doch was dran, was es zu verstehen gilt.
Mehr erfahren
- (3) The Consequences of the Hierarchical And Circular Models In the previous chapter I have analyzed the theoretical assumptions of the hierarchical model of evidence and proposed an alternative circular model. Now I want to discuss the consequences resulting from the two models in even greater detail. I consider the hierarchical model unfit. I make no secret of it.…
- Even Crazier than Homeopathy - But Apparently It Works Peter Chappell's AIDS Remedy PC1 Our field study in Africa has been published Background story I've always found off-the-wall therapies interesting because, historically, scientific innovations and new findings have very often come from the fringes of the mainstream. Not always, but very often. That's why I became interested in homeopathy…
- (23) How Do Meta-Analyses Actually Work? Meta-analyses, as I said in the previous part, are methods that allow you to statistically combine the results of different studies. Just as you can calculate the mean height of a group of students by adding up the length of all the students and dividing by the number of students,…