Gerne verlinke ich die Webseite von Prof. Müller, der Ökonom ist und
sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten der Corona-Krise auseinandersetzt. Auf
seiner Seite finden sich auch interessante andere Aspekte zu Themen
unseres Gesundheitswesens.
- WELCOME! This is the private homepage of Prof. Dr. Dr. Harald Walach →. A complete overview of my publications can be found here →. One focus of content is my small Methodology for Beginners →, which now has 25 chapters. In my personal blog, I chat about my everyday scientific life and share some…
- COVID-19 Vaccines and Boosters Were Never Made With mRNA The truth behind RNA-based vaccine technology (Part 1) From time to time, I publish contributions from other scientists and authors who seem to me to be appropriate to topics that are of current concern to me and on which I myself can provide less competent information. Prof. Klaus Steger is…
- Self-Amplifying RNA Shots Are Coming: The Untold Danger The truth behind RNA-based vaccine technology (Part 3) From time to time, I publish contributions from other scientists and authors who seem to me to be appropriate to topics that are of current concern to me and on which I myself can provide less competent information. Prof. Klaus Steger is…