Imprint CHS-InstitutProf. Dr. Dr. phil. Harald Walach Unterer Batterieweg 3CH - 4053 Basel hwalac@gmail.com0041 61 361 90 26 Data privacy policy
WELCOME! This is the private homepage of Prof. Dr. Dr. Harald Walach →. A complete overview of my publications can be found here →. One focus of content is my small Methodology for Beginners →, which now has 25 chapters. In my personal blog, I chat about my everyday scientific life and share some…
Even Crazier than Homeopathy - But Apparently It Works Peter Chappell's AIDS Remedy PC1 Our field study in Africa has been published Background story I've always found off-the-wall therapies interesting because, historically, scientific innovations and new findings have very often come from the fringes of the mainstream. Not always, but very often. That's why I became interested in homeopathy…