In Praise of Death Harald Walach - In Praise of Death - A Critique of the Transhumanist Programme of the Abolition of Death, 15th December 2023 from Scientific and Medical Network on Vimeo. These are the slides: In-Praise-of-Death-SlidesDownload
The Naysayers Were Right: Covid-19 "Vaccinations"… They are associated with increased mortality and have many side effects - therefore they should be banned now Some unpleasant news about the Covid-19 vaccination campaign A few newspapers reported at the end of November ("The Berliner Zeitung"; "Die Weltwoche") and otherwise mainly internet portals ("Die Achse des Guten"; "tkp")…
Gain of Function Research And A Few Thoughts on Christmas Last week I heard a lecture by Prof. Roland Wiesendanger, a physicist at the University of Hamburg. He spoke at a workshop at the University of Trier on "Conscience" organized by Mrs. Henrieke Stahl at the Institute of Slavic Studies, who is also the spokesperson for the group "7 Arguments…