Wenn die Initiative für eine Erneuerung des Öffentlich-Rechtlichen Rundfunks unter die drei ersten Vorschläge kommt, dann hat sie eine echte Chance ernst genommen zu werden.
2000 Stimmen fehlen noch bis Sonntag. Ich rufe daher dazu auf, diese Initiative zu unterstützen. Man muss sich auf der Webseite anmelden und kann dann abstimmen.
Risk-Benefit Ratio of Covid-19 Vaccination Because basically the Covid-19 crisis is neither about science nor about truth, but about ideology and money, or more precisely about a new religion, the religion of science-believing transhumanism. This religion does not care about data or people. It is not interested in knowledge or truth, but instrumentalizes science. It…
Monkey Pox - Conspiracy (Theory) for Advanced Learners... and some thoughts on prospective tests of such a theory When one types "Monkeypox" into internet search engines, the first thing that comes up is agency reports from Reuter and Co debunking "conspiracy theories" about Monkeypox. Interested readers ask themselves: Why does this have to be mentioned so prominently? We…
Privacy Policy In this privacy statement in accordance with 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation), we inform you about the processing of personal data in our online offer and in relation to the personal data that you provide to us when contacting us. Definitions of terms can be found in Art. 4 of…