Ich weise gerne auf einen neuen Video-Kanal https://www.youtube.com/forbiddenhistories mit entsprechender Webseite hin. Der Kanal wird von Dr. Andreas Sommer betrieben, der sich in Cambridge, am Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte intensiv mit der Geschichte der Parapsychologie auseinandergesetzt hat. Er wird in einer Serie von englischsprachigen Videos in die Geschichte der Erforschung okkulter und paranormaler Phänomene einführen. Man kann ihm auf seiner Webseite www.forbiddenhistories.com auch Wünsche nennen.
- Privacy Policy In this privacy statement in accordance with 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation), we inform you about the processing of personal data in our online offer and in relation to the personal data that you provide to us when contacting us. Definitions of terms can be found in Art. 4 of…
- (11) How Scientific Is Complementary Medicine? Meet The Deer in the Forest of Papers There are always claims that complementary medicine is not particularly scientific, while conventional medicine is scientific and well proven. Young bloggers in particular sometimes argue this way, but also journalists and colleagues from the university environment. In my observation, the adjective "scientific"…
- Courts, Governments, Railway Board, Listen Up Everyone: Wearing masks is harmful to health - a new meta-analysis of a total of 37 studies proves this Just in time for Christmas, the working group led by Kai Kisielinski and Andreas Sönnichsen has made a meta-analysis available on the preprint server Research Square [1] that clearly proves that mask-wearing…