Ein Interview von knapp 20 Minuten, das Frau Dr. Schröder-Liefring mit mir geführt hat. Meine Sicht auf Gesundheitspolitik, zur Bewusstseinsforschung und Meditation.
Die Fragen im Einzelnen:
ab 0:12 – Eine Vision für das deutsche Gesundheitssystem
ab 2:45 – Was bedeutet „Bewusstseinswandel“ für die Medizin?
ab 6:46 – Sind asiatische Meditationsmethoden besser als europäische Ansätze?
ab 11:38 – Wie meditieren Sie, Herr Professor?
ab 13:58 – Was ist mit negativen Erfahrungen in der Meditation?
ab 15:42 – Haben Sie Yoga praktiziert?
ab 16:25 – Was ist Ihnen sonst noch wichtig?
(9) Inner and Outer Experience - Zen and Science Or: Why Zen and science get along very well and why more scientists (and other people) should meditate. I just got back from a Zen sesshin. That is a week of meditation in which there is silence and between 7 and 8 hours of meditation per day; in this case…
About Harald Walach I am currently a Professorial Research Fellow at the Next Society Institute with Kazimieras Simonavicius University in Vilnius, Lithuania. Until June 2021, I was a professor at the Medical University of Poznan and a visiting professor at Witten/Herdecke University. I am also the founder and director of the Change Health…
Thinking, Political Correctness, and Thinking about Thinking The indigenous people of the prairies of North America originally fed on big game and buffalo. They hunted on foot before the horse was introduced to America by the Spanish in the 1500s [1, 2]. They took advantage of a characteristic of the buffalo: Buffaloes are herd animals. They follow…