Wir brauchen dringend eine saubere Baselinestudie die uns sagt, wieviel Prozent der Bevölkerung mit dem Covid-19 Virus bereits infiziert sind und wieviele davon mit und ohne Symptome davongekommen sind. Nur so lassen sich die Zahlen von Erkrankten und Toten ins Verhältnis setzen und eine verlässliche Hochrechnung auf die mögliche Belastung des Gesundheitssystems durchführen.
(22) Epidemiology and Infectiology – Pitfalls of… When I first read about the Corona crisis in the newspaper in early January 2020, it said, "Already 34 people have died from the new disease". "And now?" thought I. Is that a lot or not? 34 out of a total of 40 on one boat? That would be a…
Why People in Germany Get Vaccinated Our vaccination motivation study is now published in BMJ Open On January 6th, 2022, I had referred to the preprint of our study "Why do people consent to receiving SARS-CoV2 vaccinations - A representative survey in Germany" and discussed it in detail there [1]. Now it has been published in…
(18) Why the Hierarchical Model of the “Evidence… Some Introductory Thoughts on Understanding Our New Publication Walach, H., & Loef, M. (2015). Using a matrix-analytical approach to synthesizing evidence solved incompatibility problem in the hierarchy of evidence. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 68, 1251-1260. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2015.03.027 Before I make a few critical remarks about "Evidence Based Medicine (EBM)", I feel…